MOF Eyewear Association
A passion for transmission
In 2011, 6 MOF Eyewear technicians and trainers founded the MOF Eyewear School in Morez, France. The school enables opticians, designers, optical professionals and people changing careers to acquire solid foundations in eyewear making, to perfect their skills and gain independence in the customization and artisan production of frames. Trainees follow an à la carte training programme delivered exclusively by MOF trainers.
Training courses at the Eyewear School
Designed to adapt to your skill levels and help you develop your creative plans

- acquire solid foundations in the creation of bespoke acetate frames -
M01 : Taking measurements, drawing and production of an acetate frame
All the basics to independently create a bespoke eyewear frame with know-how and precision...
M02 : Design and production of acetate frames using an eyewear router
Improve skills in taking measurements and drawing up an eyewear design in order to produce or transform and adapt equipment to the customer’s morphology...
- broaden your skills through use of other materials -
M03 : Design and production of a metal frame
Improve student’s design and production skills for a model specifically adapted to the customer’s morphology...
M05-1 : Making an eyewear frame using natural materials
Improve knowledge of eyewear regarding precautions/restrictions when using natural materials...
- perfect your technique and introduce you to new technologies -
M04 : Advanced training: Acetate / Metal
Improve skills in making a model or a product adapted to the customer’s morphology (for a standard or specific sized head)...